From Saragossa to Leyden

Study and edition of five letters from the correspondence of Ángel Crespo and Ángel Guinda, fundamental in their production and relationship




Ángel Crespo, Ángel Guinda, correspondence, study, edition, poetry


TThis essay recovers five letters from the correspondence of the poets Ángel Crespo and Ángel Guinda between 1976 and 1977, selected for their interest and relevance. They are, in fact, fundamental in their poetic productions and personal relationship. We proceed to study them and carry out their critical and annotated edition, as well as an appendix for an unpublished version of a composition by Guinda found on one of the texts. The five letters testify, among other issues, the edition and publication of the collection of poetry Claro: oscuro of Crespo, as well as key personal concerns in their literary careers, and that determine their verses. The documents constitute, therefore, a unique opportunity to delve into who are two relevant figures of our literature from the second half of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

Gracia Gaspar, L. “From Saragossa to Leyden: Study and Edition of Five Letters from the Correspondence of Ángel Crespo and Ángel Guinda, Fundamental in Their Production and Relationship”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 53, Nov. 2023, pp. 39-64, doi:10.18172/cif.5701.


