The Evolution of Genres in The Light of Gebser and Aristotelian Poetics
Literary genres, Poetics, Aristotle, Gebser, Levels of consciousnessAbstract
This article aims to highlight the process of consolidation of genres based on Aristotelian poetics. To do so, we rely on the levels of consciousness expressed in The Event-Present Origin (Gebser, 1949), as well as on the clues provided by the Stagirite's own text in the translation by Professor López Eire. Following these clues, we can observe how the process of consolidation of the genres in Classical Greece starts from the polarity epic/yambo –proper of the mythical consciousness–, to derive, already in the environment of the mental-rational consciousness, in the four genres which are still in use today and which Aristotle has already mentioned in one way or another: comedy, epic, tragedy and satire.
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