The semantic architecture of the domain of existence in the french and english languages
DOI :ésumé
In this paper we will analyse the semantic domain of EXISTENCE in the French and English languages following the Functional-Lexematic Model (Martín Mingorance 1984), which consists of four levels of lexical description: paradigmatic, syntagmatic, pragmatic, and cognitive. We will focus on the paradigmatic, syntagmatic and cognitive axes. On the paradigmatic axis the lexemes are grouped under semantic domains and dimensions elaborated on the basis of shared meaning components following Dik’s method of Stepwise Lexical Decomposition (1978b). The relevant semantic parameters are those of manner, means/instrument, place, time, and the parameter describing the nature of the subject/object. On the syntagmatic axis we specify the syntactic patterns of each lexeme following Dik’s model (1978a). Three complementation patterns govern this semantic domain: SV, SVAdjunct, and SVO (NP). On the cognitive axis we examine the connections of EXISTENCE with other domains: PERCEPTION, FEELING, ACTION, COGNITION, CHANGE, POSITION and MOVEMENT.Téléchargements
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