Surveying topographical changes and climate variations to detect the urban heat island in the city of Málaga (Spain)


  • J.M. Senciales-González Department of Geography, University of Málaga, 29079 Málaga, Spain.
  • J. Rodrigo-Comino Instituto de Geomorfología y Suelos, Department of Geography, University of Málaga, 29071, Málaga, Spain
  • P. Smith Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, 23 St Machar Drive, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, UK



Climate observation, Urban development, Mitigation, Climate Policy, Urban Heat Islands


The main aim of this research was to detect a possible urban heat island (UHI) in the tourist city of Málaga (Spain). To achieve this goal, different methods to validate annual and monthly temperature data have been used, and the internal variability of the UHI with respect to the topographical changes was also surveyed. Our results showed two types of atmospheric thermal gradients: one characterized by a positive gradient according to an elevation above sea level, and another with a negative gradient related to rural areas. The maximum impact of the UHI was found to be 9.1 ºC for an instantaneous event, 4.4 ºC for daily minimum temperatures in August, with a maximum weighted average difference of 2.3 ºC between data from urban and rural stations. We conclude that the detection of UHI is useful as a tool to help urban planners, in order to reduce the intensity of possible climate changes in cities. It is also concluded that UHI is not only a meteorological phenomenon in Málaga city but a climatic phenomenon, present during most days and across the transect of increasing intensity from the sea to the city.


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Author Biography

J. Rodrigo-Comino, Instituto de Geomorfología y Suelos, Department of Geography, University of Málaga, 29071, Málaga, Spain

Licenciado en Geografía  por la Universidad de Málaga en el curso   2011-2012. Realizó el Trabajo Fin de Carrera (tesina) bajo la dirección   del Dr. Senciales titulado: “Los suelos de la provincia de Málaga:   Revisión en función de los criterios de la clasificación de FAO-WRB   (2006)”. También con él, ha publicado una serie de artículos   relacionados con cuestiones geomorfológicas en los Montes de Málaga o   las plataformas travertínicas. Ha participado en actividades de  Didáctica de la  Geografía con jóvenes preuniversitarios, publicando  resultados de esta  actividad en revistas de la Asociación de Geógrafos  Españoles junto con  el Dr. Delgado Peña. Está preparando la tesis  doctoral sobre procesos geomorfológicos en viñedos (Valle del Mosela y Axarquía),en colaboración con la Universidad de Trier (Alemania) con los profesores  Johannes Ries y Manuel Seeger y con el Departamento de Geografía de la Universidad de Málaga con los profesores José Damián Ruiz Sinoga y José María Senciales.


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How to Cite

Senciales-González J, Rodrigo-Comino J, Smith P. Surveying topographical changes and climate variations to detect the urban heat island in the city of Málaga (Spain). CIG [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];46(2):521-43. Available from:


