José Antonio Marina : en busca de una fundamentación práctica de la ética


  • Javier Sánchez Pachón I.E.S. Marques de la Ensenada (Haro, La Rioja)



Ethics, creation, foundation, hook, intersubjectivity,


We will show J. A. Marina’s ethical theory from four different points of view. The first one is the consideration about human intelligence as a tool, which is able to create opportunities, design and improve what there was before; being the ethics one of the greatest creations of human intelligence together with science and arts. The second one is about the inductive ethics foundation in which moral values don’t justify the facts, but the facts support ethical generalizations which are based on moral principles. The third one concludes that both duties and rights depend on some transcendental hooks or ethical axioms that justify them: God, nature, dignity… The ethical-historical analysis will determine which ones are best. The fourth one considers that ethics the social human condition leads to our search to the construction of a universal ethics like one of the greatest actions on permanent construction and reform.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Pachón, J. (2009). José Antonio Marina : en busca de una fundamentación práctica de la ética. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (33), 225–262.


