Los vecinos españoles ante los indios de frontera : el Gran Norte de Nueva España


  • Alfredo Jiménez Núñez Universidad de Sevilla




Northern New Spain, settlers and barbarian Indians, warfare, ecological frontiers, woldview, ethnohistory.


The Great North is defined as the territories beyond the Valley of Mexico over which Spain held sway for centuries and were considered a frontier land in its wide sense. The focus is on the vecinos, or civil population, and the effects produced on their persons and properties by a centennial war. It is suggested that the best full approach to colonial frontiers in the Americas should include the consideration of what happened before and after the colonial period (pre-Hispanic and republican frontiers). This argument is based on the persistence of crucial ecological factors in certain regions. The culture or worldview of the dominant society is also significant. The testimonies presented are literal transcriptions of documents from the Archivo General de Indias in Seville.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Núñez, A. (2006). Los vecinos españoles ante los indios de frontera : el Gran Norte de Nueva España. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (30), 37–64. https://doi.org/10.18172/brocar.1656


