An Illustrated Magazine: A Semana and the Look on the Amazon (1917-1923)
Magazines A Semana, Belém, Magazines, AmazonAbstract
This article aims to demonstrate the importance of one of the leading circulation magazines of and on the city of Belém, in the first half of the 20th century. Explaining among others the relevance it had for the formation of opinions, and the circulation of ideas and information. The objective of the present is discussing how the themes worked on the pages of such journals served to build in the local imaginary curious aspects that were linked to the various knowledge. It is worth mentioning that the role of these types of production was relevant because it was able to constitute around the writing of these magazines an intellectual group that acted in several ways presenting to the reading public subjects that went beyond the information, in that they provided the same ones the possibility of, by images, to construct a representation of a boiling society, therefore extremely active, when discussing local and international themes.
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