Algunas notas sobre la relación entre Boscán y Bocángel en sus poemas de Hero y Leandro


  • Gonzalo Fontana Elboj Universidad de Zaragoza



This article is an answer to Menéndez Pelayo's theory wich holds that the poem "Fabula de Leandro y Hero", by Bocángel, has its main source in the byzantine poem by Museus Ta xoy 'Ero xai Leandron. This has traditionally been accepted as the only authoritative theory on the subject. But a deep comparative study of both, the baroque poem and its supposedly byzantine source, leads us to a different version. "Leandro", by Boscán, offers itself to us as a more suitable intermediary source. Bocángel followed Boscán and, what is more, he did so precisely in those fragments in which Boscán deviates from Museus' model to conform to his latin sources, basically Ovid's "Heroides" and "Metamorfoseis". Ovid's literary works provide Bocángel with a mitological pattern that suits well the genre he parcticed. This fact offers a kind of structural evidence that backs up our own theory.


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How to Cite

Fontana Elboj, G. “Algunas Notas Sobre La relación Entre Boscán Y Bocángel En Sus Poemas De Hero Y Leandro”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 15, July 2013, pp. 71-86, doi:10.18172/cif.2152.


