The concept of “resignation” in an unpublished sonnet of Miguel de Unamuno
sonnets, unpublished, Unamuno, resignation, drafts, Genetic CriticismAbstract
Unamuno devotion was shown repeatedly throughout his sonnet, as the appropriate channel for his expression. There is a whole section in his first poetry book Poesías, which is dedicated to this metric structure. These groups of poems were against the position of traditional criticism as a result of marginal practice. Which supports our work on the new methodology of Genetic Criticism, we uncover two significant conclusions. First, since 1894 he composed sonnets, which comprise an obvious thematic unity with the rest of his literary output. Second, through analyzing his drafts we determined that Don Miguel conceived in his earlier years another poem that never saw the light, and how the concept of “Resignation” is represented as a primary thread to all them.
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