Mythpolitics of the "mexican cantares" from José Emilio Pacheco


  • Mauricio Zabalgoitia Herrera Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



José Emilio Pacheco, Mexican poetry, Symbolic cultural goods, Prehispanic myth


This article carries out a return to the poetry of José Emilio Pacheco with particular interest in the relationship from this with the “culturalismo mexicanista”, the idea of nation and with the use of some symbolic cultural goods of indigenous character, where stand prehispanic myths and symbols of the so called Aztec culture. Generally speaking, what is argued is that the poetry of the Mexican, rather than establishing continuity with ‘criollomestizos’ literary artifacts, that built national culture from the use and abuse of an indigenous glorious past, set a break point, promoting versions history from apocalyptic stories. This is made from the practice of an idea of intertextuality that interwove the Nahua myths itself with universalizing toils, and with translated versions of these myths and through links to the most widespread codices. This action what it seeks is to presage the fall of the contemporary Mexican construct in the inevitable crisis.


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How to Cite

Zabalgoitia Herrera, M. “Mythpolitics of the ‘mexican Cantares’ from José Emilio Pacheco”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 42, Dec. 2016, pp. 39-53, doi:10.18172/cif.2747.


