Some problems of the suffixes with abrupt contact reading


  • Antonio Fábregas Universidad de Tromsø-Universidad Ártica de Noruega



noun derivation, blow suffixes, augmentatives, cross-categorial limits


This article explores three issues in the grammar of suffixes denoting abrupt contact in Spanish: -azo, -ada y -ón. It is proposed that these suffixes are able to denote such nouns because, in each case for a different reason, they are associated in their entry to a head denoting a final boundary (]) underspecified with respect to the dimension over which it ranges. The presence of this boundary relates their result and augmentative readings with those of abrupt contact. This head, moreover, explains the emergence of an action reading in the absence of verbal structure, as well as the readings that are produced with several adjectives. Finally, it is proposed that the fact that nominal base is sometimes interpreted as an instrument (cabezazo ‘blow with the head’) and sometimes as a locative (morrón ‘blow on the mouth’) can be derived from the different preposition that each affix codifies in their lexical entry.


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Author Biography

Antonio Fábregas, Universidad de Tromsø-Universidad Ártica de Noruega

Catedrático de lengua española, Departamento de lenguas y lingüística


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How to Cite

Fábregas, A. “Some Problems of the Suffixes With Abrupt Contact Reading”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 43, Nov. 2017, pp. 51-71, doi:10.18172/cif.2985.


