Prosody and gesture and their relation with the expression of humour in the parliamentary debate
prosody, gesture, humour, parliamentary debate, discourse analysis, politicsAbstract
In this paper we present the analysis of the gesture and prosody of a political speaker during a parliamentary debate from the point of view of the expression of humour. The purpose of this analysis is to verify if the speaker marks in a significative way, either prosodically or gestually, his humorous utterances during his interventions in the Chamber of Deputies. The analysis focuses on a single speaker, socialist deputy Antonio Miguel Carmona, from whom a series of audio-visual examples taken from the recordings of plenary sessions of the Assembly of Madrid has been selected. The conclusions drawn are that the prosodic feature that distinguishes serious speech from humorous is the pitch and that there is no clear relationship between the body movements of the parliamentary speaker and the manifestation of humour.Downloads
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