The Spanish of Puerto Rico: dialectal perceptions and linguistic attitudes


  • Roxana Sobrino Triana Universidad de Bergen



Spanish of Puerto Rico, linguistic attitudes, dialectal perceptions


The article analyzes the dialect perceptions and linguistic attitudes of Puerto Rican speakers regarding their variety of Spanish. From the theoretical postulates of perceptual dialectology and linguistic attitudes as disciplines, the perceptions, beliefs, evaluations and reactions of the speakers of this variety of Spanish are deepened. Specifically, the research focuses on how Puerto Ricans perceive their own mode of language in the Spanish-speaking world, the similarities and differences they establish with respect to other variants of Spanish, the traits through which they self-characterize linguistically and the attitudes that manifest. The data were obtained from the application of a questionnaire in the Metropolitan Area of Puerto Rico to a sample of fifty-four informants, stratified according to sociolinguistic variables gender, age and level of education.


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Author Biography

Roxana Sobrino Triana, Universidad de Bergen

Máster en Lexicografía Hispánica en la Escuela de Lexicografía de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (2008) y Candidata a doctorado en la Universidad de Bergen, Noruega (2017). Mi desempeño ha estado dirigido al ámbito de la dialectología, le lexicografía y la sociolingüística. Específicamente sobre el tema de las actitudes lingüísticas he trabajado en importantes investigaciones recientes relacionadas con las actitudes de cubanos y antillanos en general.


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How to Cite

Sobrino Triana, R. “The Spanish of Puerto Rico: Dialectal Perceptions and Linguistic Attitudes”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 44, Nov. 2018, pp. 129-61, doi:10.18172/cif.3436.


