Syntagmatic compounds and frequent combinations in the configuration of the mathematical technolect of the Fifteenth Century: the word "regla" and its lexical net
historic lexicology, morfology, sintagmatic compounds, arithmetic-algebraic technolect, RenaissanceAbstract
In the face to the need to express knowledge and concepts to the time transmitted in Latin to a minority elite, we will verify that the spanish word regla stands as a profitable and productive nucleus in the genesis of diverse expressions in Spanish related to arithmetic and algebra. In this study we present some twenty romances formations belonging to the Glosario de aritmética y álgebra en el Renacimiento hispano, currently integrated into the Diccionario de la Ciencia y de la Técnica del Renacimiento (DICTER), through which we study the mechanisms or procedures morphological that intervene in the configuration of the spanish mathematical technolect.
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