Jean-Claude Pinson: a “poéthique” of the “poétariat”
Jean-Claude Pinson, poéthique, poétariat, contemporary poetry, philosophy, existenceAbstract
Contemporary poet and philosopher, Jean-Claude Pinson explores often his double philosophic and poetic approach, that makes the specificity of his work with words.
In this article, we will study two of the most developed notions by Pinson: the “poéthique”, that tries to explore the part of existence that poetry attempts to capture, and the “poétariat”, that describes the human being been able to resist to the emergence of cultural capitalism and the great development of new technologies of communication. To study those notions, we will turn to different essays and theorical works of Pinson, and to some poetic collections that will give us the opportunity to conclude that his work wants to maintain a permanent connection between poetry and philosophy, to capture an existential dimension on poems that will re-establish a more tangible connection with reality and with individuals, in a contemporary context in which we tend to a loss of experience with reality.
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