Rosalía Pipaón, in "La de Bringas" (1884): a well-cut diamond
Galdosian ability, polyhedral characters, ambition, appearances, mesocracy, La de BringasAbstract
The ability of Galdós to create polyhedral characters is evident in the case of Rosalía Pipaón, in La de Bringas (1884). The present article tries to demonstrate the ability of the novelist to offer to the reader the different faces that conform the personality of Rosalía. Galdós´skill to cut, as an expert goldsmith, the angles and edges of this diamond ‒ Rosalía – amazes us. Undoubtedly Galdós provides us readers, trough the actions, attitudes, behaviors, judgments, opinions and criteria of Bringas´ wife, with a global vision of that mesocracy of “I want and I can not”. Rosalía, rebellious and ambitious female, is transformed into a perfect kaleidoscope, whose mirror game allow us to know the pretentions of that middle class plunged into appearances.
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