Sociolinguistic study of the interdentalization of /k/, in the group /kt/, in the Spanish spoken in the city of Logroño


  • Jaime Peña Arce Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Interdentalization, consonant groups, Phonetics, Sociolinguistics, Spanish spoken in La Rioja


The interdentalization of /k/ in the cluster /kt/ has been studied geographically like a characteristic of the Spanish spoken in La Rioja. The purpose of this paper is to study this same phenomenon from a stratificational and situational perspective, but only in relation to the city of Logroño. A sample of 83 informants that accurately reflected the demographics of the city as regards sex, age and education was identified. These informants were then interviewed so as to elicit from them examples of both spontaneous and monitored speech. The results show that interdentalization of /k/ in the /kt/ cluster covaries, in Logroño, with level of education and register, but not with age or sex.


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Author Biography

Jaime Peña Arce, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Lengua Española y Teoría de la Literatura.

Investigador posdoctoral


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How to Cite

Peña Arce, J. “Sociolinguistic Study of the Interdentalization of /k/, in the Group /Kt/, in the Spanish Spoken in the City of Logroño”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 47, June 2020, pp. 141-6, doi:10.18172/cif.4412.


