Cledanismo: the Eros-Thanatos binomial of "Rostros ocultos"
Eros, death, cledanismo, love, sublimation, ritualAbstract
Rostros ocultos is a novel with megalomaniac aspirations. Salvador Dali tried to create a new term that completed a trinomial that was formed by the masochism and the sadism of the Marquis de Sade: the cledanismo. Dali builds a terminology that has been gradually forming a constant relationship between the Eros and the Thanatos in the painter's imagination. In this way, I will analyze the development of the erotic-tannic theme in Rostros ocultos, and its relationship between the work of Catalan and Freudian’s theories, well known to Dali, and the Dalinian theories on this subject. This also I will try to create lines of development in his theory of love and eroticism in his literary work.
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