Clearing incognites about "The nail" (1853) by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón (1833-1891): Police story or romantic novel
Detective story, Poe, Alarcón, rationality, romance novelAbstract
This collaboration aims at shedding light on a controversy that literary criticism has been dealing with to this day: is El clavo (1853) by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón a detective story that follows in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe as inventor of the genre or is it a romantic novel in the fashion of the times? Through a complete contrastive analysis between the Alarconian text and Poe’s The Murders in the rue Morgue (1841), we come to the conclusion that Alarcón does not follow the guidelines set by Poe, since the protagonist of his narrative does not resort to the “discourse of rationality” nor to the deductive method to find the solution to the crime reported.
Our study makes it clear that while Detective C. Auguste Dupin keeps the reader on tenterhooks with the suspense and intrigue emanating from his actions, Judge Zarco puts sentimental matters before detective investigation.Downloads
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