The scenic caricature as an alternative to moratinian didactism
The case of "Los figurones literarios" (1804), by María Rosa Gálvez
caricature, comedy of customs, illustration, neoclassicismAbstract
When criticism labels María Rosa Gálvez de Cabrera (1786-1806) as a mere imitator of Moratinian neoclassical dramas, it relegates her to a subsidiary position that does not do full justice to this Malaga playwright. In this collaboration we are working to put an end to that common place. And we do it through a contrastive analysis of two comedies: Los figurones literarios (1804), by Gálvez and La comedia nueva o el café, by Moratín. The result of this analysis shows that Gálvez has the skillful and insightful use of caricature to illuminate comedies and set them free from the tutelage of neoclassical drama, while at the same time approaching pre-romantic sentimental comedy.
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