Scenographic processes in "Dulcinea's complaint" (2008), from Dulcinée Langfelder
“Don Quixote”, (re)writing, theatrical device, intermedialityAbstract
“La complainte de Dulcinée” is presented as a transgendered and eponymous (re)writing of the playwright Dulcinée Langfelder. Premiered in 2008, the work adds a cross-cultural bias to the Cervantes hypotext, thanks to the variety of languages in which the work was interpreted over the various international stages. This work studies the technique according to which the "device" relates the wealth of scenographic resources that point, beyond the poetic experiment, to the political purpose of the playwright Lanfelder. After analyzing characters, costumes, dialogues, monologues, device and screen, this reflection finally delves into an attempt at sociocultural hermeneutics.
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