Towards a verification of giraldine legacy in the dramas of Juan de la Cueva
golden theater, dramatic prescriptive, Juan de la Cueva, Giraldi CinthioAbstract
To date, critics have traditionally agreed that the greatest contribution of Sevillian playwright Juan de la Cueva to Golden Drama was his role a precursor of the so-called “new comedy” implemented by Lope de Vega. However, we should not undervalue his importance as an innovator and reformer of Spanish Theatre in the last 16th Century. This collaboration tries to highlight de la Cueva´s ability to assimilate both the theoretical postulates and the dramatic praxis that Giambattista Giraldi Cinthio (1504-1573) exemplifies in his tragedy Orbecche (1543) and put them into practice in his drama The Tyran Prince (1583). Through a contrastive analysis of both dramas, we show that Cueva not only knew Cinthio’s reformist theses, bat also transferred the innovations of the Geraldine legacy to his plays in order to make them accessible to an uncultivated spectator.
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