This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Open Access Diamond Journal
1. Description of the journal.
CIF is a periodical publication of the University of La Rioja which publishes studies in the area of Philology, covering a broad range of linguistics, literature, literary theory, etc. The journal is published twice a year. The proposals are accepted after a double-blind peer reviewed by experts.
The journal will accept proposals that may fall under the following categories:
In case of being applicable to the research presented, The text informs about whether the data of origin of the research take into account sex, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.
There are no author's submission fees nor any other publication-related fees.
This journal is published exclusively online from volume 45 (2019) onwards.
2. Language. CIF accepts publication proposals in Spanish, French and English. It should be used an inclusive and non-sexist language.
3. Copyright. The authors guarantee that their contributions are original works which have not been published previously and are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. All articles in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected will be immediately rejected.
The authors retain copyright of articles and authorize CIF the first publication. They are free to share and redistribute the article without obtaining permission from the publisher as long as they give appropriate credit to the editor and the journal.
Self-archiving is allowed too. In fact, it is recommendable to deposit a PDF version of the paper in academic and/or institutional repositories.
4. Submission of proposals. Proposals must be sent online as a Word file via file must be completely anonymous. All details of personal identification must be absent both from the manuscript and the file properties.
Authors should also include another document with a short biographical note (about 100 words), including their academic and home address, telephone and/or fax number or any other relevant information.
5. Funding sources of the research and/or article
In case of funding, it must be included the funding source and the project code in a footnote in the first page of the paper.
EDITION RULES (Template article)
1. Document Design. Leave a 2.5 cm margin on all sides. All the paragraphs should be justified.
2. Font. Documents text and bibliography will be written in 12-point Times New Roman and 1,5 line spacing; 11- point Times New Roman for indented quotations; and 10 point Times New Roman for abstracts, keywords, notes, superscript numbers, tables and figures.
3. Title. The title (written in bold type, capitalized and centered) must be presented in three languages (Spanish, English and French) in 18-point Times New Roman.
4. Name of the author: Once the article has been accepted for publication, the Editorial Board will include the author’s name, email and affiliation two spaces below and to the right. Authors must not include their name in their proposals.
5. Abstracts. Each of the titles should be followed by a 100-150 words abstract. The first one should be written in the language chosen for the article. The second and third abstracts will be included with their corresponding titles and keywords. Abstracts will be presented in 10-point Times New Roman font, in italics (book titles and keywords will be in normal characters), fully justified, single-spaced and indented one centimetre of the left margin. The first line will be 1cm extra indented. Abstracts should not include footnotes. The words RESUMEN/ABSTRACT/RÉSUMÉ (capitalized and in italics) will be separated from the abstract by a colon.
6. Keywords. They should have a first-line indentation of one centimetre. Each abstract will be followed by a list of six keywords in the corresponding language to facilitate the correct classification of the articles into international benchmarks. The words PALABRAS CLAVE/KEYWORDS / MOTS CLÉS (capitalized and italics) should be followed by a colon and a space should precede the chosen terms.
7. Main Text. The main body of the text should start three lines below the keywords. Words in a language different from the one chosen for the paper should be italicized; italics should be used to highlight some key words too.
8. Paragraphs. Paragraphs should just be separated by the 1.5 interlinear space. The first line should be indented 1 cm and words will not be divided at the end of a line.
9. Figures, illustrations and tables. Figures, illustrations and tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and should be referred to in the main text (e.g., as shown in the picture / illustration / table / example 1). They will be provided with appropriate captions in which their content is indicated (in 10-point Times New Roman, italics and in a single space).
10. Chapters and headings. They will be presented in common fonts, in bold, and numbered with Arabic numerals separated from the title by a period and a space (e.g. 1. Introduction); Two blank 12-size spaces should be left between different sections and one blank 12-size space between subsections.
The headings of the sub-sections should be written in italics and renumbered (e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3), keeping a 1 line separation from both the preceding and the following text.
Levels below the sub-sections should be avoided where possible. If used, they should be numbered equally with Arabic numerals and should be written in common fonts (e.g. 1.1.1., 1.1.2.,,
11. Punctuation. Comma, full stops, semi-colons, and colons should be placed after inverted commas (";).
12. Accentuation. The capitalized writing will retain, if necessary, the corresponding graphic accentuation (e.g. INTRODUCCIÓN, LINGÜÍSTICA, BIBLIOGRAFÍA). An apostrophe (') and not an accent (') should be used in French words.
13. Footnotes. They should be explanatory and/or include additional information which cannot be easily accommodated in the body of the text. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text with clear superscript Arabic numerals. The footnote text will be 10-point Times New Roman and single space.
14. Quotations. Quotations of three lines or less should appear in the body of the text enclosed in double quotation marks. Longer quotations should be set off, without quotation marks, with the first line indented 2.5 cm and the rest of the quotation indented 2 cm. They should be written in 11-point font. If the quotation is in a language different from the original one of the article, its translation, if included, should be between square brackets using the same format.
15. Exemplification. Examples can be included in the body of the main text, italicized, and without quotation marks. If the author provides a list of examples, they should be listed in italics, indented 2.5 cm with the number between brackets following the example:(24) Las luces se apagaron y cundió el pánico
(25) Todos los asesores del presidente han dimitido
16. In-text citations. References should be included within the body of the main text following Harvard referencing style (author, year: pages).
For example:
According to Vicente-Yagüe (2013: 251) “la competencia literaria del lector es fundamental en la interpretación del texto, pues …
“La competencia literaria del lector es fundamental en la interpretación del texto” (Vicente-Yagüe, 2013: 251).
17. Bibliographical references. The paper should include a list of all the works cited throughout the text following the examples:
a) References to books will include: SURNAME(S), Inicial(s), (year of publicacion). Title. [Edition]. Place of publication, Publisher’s name.
e.g. CARDONA, R y ZHAREAS, A.N. (1970). Visión del Esperpento. 2ª ed. Madrid, Castalia.
b) References to articles in books will include: SURNAME(S), Initial(s) (year of publication): “Title”. In Surname(s), Inicial(s), Title of the book. Place of publication, Publisher’s name, pages.
e.g. SERRANO, M. (2007). “Dos años de vacaciones de Verne, un viaje extraordinario menor”. in Salinero, M.J. (coord.), En torno a Julio Verne. Estudios diversos de los Viajes Extraordinarios. Logroño, Universidad de La Rioja, pp. 141-164.
c) References to articles will include: SURNAME(S), Initial(s) (year of publication). “Title”. Title of the journal, number (in Arabic numerals), pages.
e.g. SPINA, S. (2019). “Role of Emoticons as Structural Markers in Twitter Interactions”. Discourse Processes, 56, 345-362.
d) References to reviews will be included at the beginning of the list and will include: SURNAME(S), Initial(s) (year of publication). Title and subtitle of the book. Place of publication: publisher’s name, pages, ISBN number.
If the publications listed have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should be included.
18. Reviews. The bibliographical reference of the reviewed book should appear on top: LAST NAME and initial of the name of the author or authors (year). Title and subtitle of the book. Place of publication: Editorial, total number of pages and the ISBN number. The bibliographic review should be signed at the end by the author of the review.19. Submission checklist. Authors are required to check off their contribution to the following form, verifying that their submission complies with all formal requirements.
The authors retain copyright of articles and authorize CIF the first publication. They are free to share and redistribute the article without obtaining permission from the publisher as long as they give appropriate credit to the editor and the journal.
Self-archiving is allowed too. In fact, it is recommendable to deposit a PDF version of the paper in academic and/or institutional repositories.
It is recommended to include the DOI number.
This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.
This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Open Access Diamond Journal