(Meta)literature and parallel universes in "El mapa del tiempo" by Félix J. Palma


  • José Antonio Calzón García Universidad de Cantabria




steampunk, time, metaliterature, El mapa del tiempo, Félix J. Palma, retrofuturism


The article, after a brief introduction in which the origin, development, ideology and main features of steampunk genre are reviewed, analyses the novel El mapa del tiempo by Félix J. Palma, primarily from two pieces of information: self-references and metaliterary elements, on the one hand, and time allusions, on the other. The interconnection between both elements allows us to conclude that in this novel the author seems to use the idea of literature in a metaphorical sense, with which reflects upon the dual consideration of artistic creation like potency and act at the same time. This last point would be related to the idea of “parallel universes”, which allows the possibility for contesting the absolute value of the idea of time.


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How to Cite

Calzón García, J. A. “(Meta)literature and Parallel Universes in ‘El Mapa Del Tiempo’ by Félix J. Palma”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 44, Nov. 2018, pp. 7-31, doi:10.18172/cif.3310.


