A narrative that does not love "moor woman": a comparative analysis of violence of and toward Moroccan woman in Spanish literary texts
Spanish literature, Comparative literature, Orientalism, violence, Morocco, women writersAbstract
This article aims to analyze the violence of the Moroccan woman imagined in the Spanish fiction narrative written by women during the 20th century, but also the violence to which she is subjected. Literature, like other cultural media, contributes in the process of constructing, consolidating and transmitting imaginaries of "other" cultures that help the naturalization of stereotypes and prejudices that are defended as unquestionable truths. In this case, Orientalism has achieved that the Western symbolic order on the Moroccan predominates its characterization as violent. The Spanish narrative of Moroccan topic strengthens this idea to such an extent that with the excuse of "reflecting" the reality of an Arab-Islamic country, what is achieved, performatively, is to establish that social reality in the generalized imaginary.
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