Redirecting the Gaze
Research, Images and other ghosts in "El dolor de los demás", by Miguel Ángel Hernández
Miguel Ángel Hernández, Memory, Research, Image, Mourning, Literary TheoryAbstract
This article delves into Miguel Ángel Hernández's third novel, El dolor de los demás (2018), aiming to analyse the different formal decisions carried out by the author, who is also the narrator and protagonist of the story. This trait allows him to reach a series of relevant conclusions about the research process he undertakes, as well as the most pertinent way to confront a traumatic event and to capture the past in writing. For this purpose, a hybrid methodology is employed within this study in order to investigate how Hernández alternates a double discursive level —from the remembered past to the present in which he reports on the investigation— and how reflects it on fiction; the decisive role played by images in the text or the importance of themes such as memory or mourning.
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Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation
Grant numbers PID2021-124434NB-I00