Can We Talk about Fashion without Using Foreign Words?




foreign word, fashion, glossary of terminology, Spanish, English, loans


This study contains an analysis of the foreign words found in the Spanish language regarding fashion. To carry out this study, the following hypothesis is formulated: most of the foreign words found in the magazines come from English and French. Besides, two different variations of Spanish are taken into account: the one spoken in Spain and the one spoken in Mexico. For the purpose of conducting this research: the sections which are analyzed are the ones dedicated specifically to fashion from the magazines Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and L’Officiel -both the version published in Spain and in Mexico. The analysis includes a classification of the foreign words according to their source language, their subject area and their frequency. Moreover, some of the foreign words are explained in more detail. The results displays that English can be considered as the language of fashion because of the huge quantity of anglicisms that the texts contain.


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How to Cite

Pérez Fernández, L. M., and C. Gutiérrez Fernández. “Can We Talk about Fashion Without Using Foreign Words?”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 46, Dec. 2019, pp. 103-28, doi:10.18172/cif.3892.


