The construction of meaning of wine descriptions terms
Wine culture, wine language, shared cultural charge, metaphor, metonymy, neologisms, lexicogenesisAbstract
Wine tasting has become a very popular activity. There is a new sensibility eveloped within gastronomic experiences and, subsequently, wine culture is spreading from Europe to the rest of the globalised world of the 21st century. The number of publications, blogs, television programmes on gastronomy, food and wine pairing is constantly growing. A new language is being established to define wines qualities and sometimes becomes incomprehensible to the average consumer, both in wine reviews and in tasting notes. Our objective is, firstly, to present a corpus of general language terms with a shared cultural charge and used to describe wines –adjectives, nouns, verbs– whose meaning has been enriched thanks to the specialised context of wine. Then, we will determine semantic values added to these terms by means of metaphor and metonymy. Finally, we will study the lexicogenic processes of the neologisms concerning this lexical field.
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