La universidad española del 98 ante el reto del siglo XXI
The wide cultural educative movement which took place in the Spanish 1898 is tried to be connected from the point of view of this present year, 1998, in order to think over and focus upon the role of our university in the new millenium. lt is remembered the educative concern standing out in texts and universitarian speeches given in cultural institutions and declarations and written in the newspapers at that time. Some works about the universitarian issue are also presentes, especially, those belonging to Miguel de Unamuno and José Ortega y Gasset. Some questions are asked such as the following ones: Does the universitarian institution make any sense in postmodernity? or Which will the future of universitarian education be then? Its role is defended as: the promoter of knowledge, the educater of responsible citizens, the promoter of the person’s worth and personal relationships. Therefore, it is an exciting job for the future, as a decisive sector in the national life, with great capacity to build up important cultural, educative scientific environment. This is the only way to have a humanity which is more fraternal and more defender of people’s rights.Downloads
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