El desarrollo de las competencias socio-profesionales a través del portafolio en Psicopedagogía
Portfolio, European Space in Higher Education, professional competencesAbstract
This paper is based on the experience of developing a methodology the portfolio as a tool of teaching, learning and evaluation to the professional competences and contents in Educational Diagnostic. This subject is framed inside de upper studies of the degree in Sciences of Education, Psicopedagogy section. Facing traditional models of teaching, learning and evaluation based on the syllabus and in the control of student,s know-how, the new subject formation model is articulated on the definition and priority of professional competences and design of cooperative and individual activities that enable the development of these professional competences. Finally presents analysis of the results derived from the reflections and valuations of the students implied in the experience obtained in an open survey appear, demonstrating that portafolio is an effective method of education, learning and evaluation in the university formation.Downloads
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