School practices to social exclusion.a study in compulsory Secundary Education


  • Maximiliano Ritacco Real Universidad de Granada
  • Francisco Javier Amores Fernández Universidad de Granada



School failure, social and educational exclusion, good practices


The acceleration of the phenomena of marginalization and social exclusion, mainly due to the new parameters of global competition imposed by the productive system, the educational context has been assigned a central place in response to the demands of training and skills, creating new dynamics of exclusion. Faced with this problem have been considered good educational practices that reduce these processes those promoting social cohesion. Through a qualitative methodology we approach three public high schools located in areas at risk of social exclusion to identify potential best practices in various measures to prevent failure offered in our education system, in order to disseminate them for possible use in different contexts and for different educational actors.


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How to Cite

Ritacco Real, M., & Amores Fernández, F. J. (2013). School practices to social exclusion.a study in compulsory Secundary Education. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (15), 41–60.



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