Some educational concerns grounded in theBronfenbrenner’s ecological approach


  • Mariona Gifre Monreal Universitat de Girona
  • Moisès Esteban Guitart Universitat de Girona



Bronfenbrenner ecological theory, educational psychology, human development, cultural psychology, social policy


The aim of this paper is to articulate some theoretical bases and contemporary applications of Bronfenbrenner’s theory. First, we describe his biography. Second, we explain his ecological theory, “Process-Person-Context and Time” (PPCT) model, and his recent bioecological approach. Then, it is emphasized some educational considerations grounded in his approach. Specifically, we highlight six educational topics based on some Bronfenbrenner ideas: 1) the relationship between social polity and science, 2) the creation of primary and secondary developmental contexts, 3) the affective involvement, 4) the curriculum for caring, 5) the communitarian intervention, 79 Contextos Educ., 15 (2012), 79-92 CONTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS, 15 (2012), 79-92 and 6) the strengthening the connections between microsystems (the concept of “mesosystem”). Finally, it is suggested some contemporary contributions in psychology and educational science based on Bronfenbrenner’s approach.


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How to Cite

Gifre Monreal, M., & Guitart, M. E. (2013). Some educational concerns grounded in theBronfenbrenner’s ecological approach. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (15), 79–92.



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