Impact of leisure on career development of secondary school students


  • Magdalena Sáenz de Jubera Ocón Universidad de La Rioja



Career development, leisure activities, occupational areas, Holland


The purpose of this article is to present an approach to Guidance for Career Development, characterized by the evolutionary sense of the work throughout life as part of personal development, presenting new perspectives on counseling intervention, such as the processes of diagnosis and career evaluation. So an analysis of career development of students in second cycle of Secondary school is done, considering the leisure activities of these young people as individual dimensions, which requires, on the one hand, to assess the Diagnosis for Career Development, by using instruments appropriate to the context in which vocational maturity of students is developed, and, on the other hand, to analyze its degree of relationship with the different occupational areas according to the latest formulation of Holland s RIASEC Theory. The results of various statistical analyses -on a final sample of 370 Secondary School students- indicate that the instruments used have appropriate technical characteristics and that students likes have a big influence on the vocational project planning. As well as this, these results have allowed to establish interesting relationships among professional preferences of Secondary School students and their leisure activities.


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How to Cite

Sáenz de Jubera Ocón, M. (2013). Impact of leisure on career development of secondary school students. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (16), 25–40.



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