Impact of multimodality in reading comprehension of narrative texts in English as a foreign language (EFL) in undergraduate students


  • Fernando Vera Millalén Universidad de Aconcagua (Chile)



Foreign language learning, multimodality, narrative texts, reading comprehension.


This research seeks to compare the effect that monomodal and multimodal tests have on the reading comprehension level of English-written narrative texts that EFL learners achieve at a private Chilean university. For this purpose, a quasi-experiment was performed, using a monomodal reading comprehension test and another multimodal one, with intact groups. The experimental group took the multimodal format test, while the control group took the monomodal format test. The interest of this research focused on the need to integrate multimodal texts in L2 reading comprehension. The results endorse the hypothesis that students reach higher comprehension levels in multimodal reading comprehension tests.


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Author Biography

Fernando Vera Millalén, Universidad de Aconcagua (Chile)

Doctor en Educación, Director Sello Institucional, Vicerrectoría Académica, Universidad de Aconcagua


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How to Cite

Vera Millalén, F. (2014). Impact of multimodality in reading comprehension of narrative texts in English as a foreign language (EFL) in undergraduate students. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (18), 25–41.



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