Colors, forms and stains of the school from the everyday aesthetic experience
Aesthetic quality, educational environments, visual voiceAbstract
This research is part of the project “A study of the aesthetic quality of three Valencian schools” and brings us closer to the learner figure who likes the school, appreciating its surroundings from the everyday aesthetic experience. In relation to the identity bonds established with the educational center, the intention is determine the emotions associated with this context, in order to collect the determinants of aesthetic quality from the student point of view. The study is developed thanks to the participation of 332 students from three public schools. What is used during the data collection phase, is the ‘Visual Arts Based Educational’, through photo-elicitations and pictorial interventions; And the ‘Image Based Research’, during the analysis phase. The results are articulated according to three thematic categories: intervened elements, shape and color of the shape. It concludes with the reasons why educational policies should be concerned with the aesthetic quality of schools and the care of the constituent elements of the educational environment such as continents, contents and environmental factors.
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