Designing and evaluating a plan to attend to immigrant students with no knowledge of Spanish


  • Cecilia Azorín Abellán



Evaluation, inclusive intercultural education, immigrant students


The main aim of this paper is to design a plan of attention for immigrant students with no knowledge of the Spanish language in an Infant and Primary School in Murcia, southeast Spain. The specific aims are associated with the evaluation of the preparation of the plan and of the plan itself by the management, teaching, counseling and research persons involved in the project. Information was collected via various techniques and instruments, including a field diary and an ad hoc Likert type questionnaire. The results section describes the findings regarding the design and evaluation of the plan. Aspects in need of improvement included in the monitoring report are identified and focus on: a more inclusive welcome to the school, the use of peer tutoring, more investment in linguistic support resources and the creation of links with the community. The conclusions address the need to assume shared responsibilities to attend to immigrant students and to develop collaborative networks among the agents that comprise the social and educational context in which the immigration is occurring.


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How to Cite

Azorín Abellán, C. (2019). Designing and evaluating a plan to attend to immigrant students with no knowledge of Spanish. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (23), 179–197.