Emotional intelligence and creativity in 1st and 2nd Primary students. Are there differences by gender?


  • Carlos Salavera Bordás
  • Natalia Larraz Rábanos
  • Pablo Usán Supervía




Emotional intelligence, creativity, gender, Elementary students


The objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between creativity and emotional intelligence. The method used in the research has been of a quantitative nature, based on the application of the Torrance Creative Thinking Test (figurative expression) and the emotional intelligence questionnaire EQ-i-YV for children and adolescents of Bar-On y Parker, a sample of 957 1st and 2nd grade students (6-8 years old). The results show how age and gender have an effect on creativity and emotional intelligence. In addition, 47.43% of the participants presented low levels of creativity, while 14.10% presented high levels in this construct. The correlations between creativity and emotional intelligence were low. When gender is taken into account, it is observed that while this relationship between the variables is low in the case of men (r=.06), in the case of women it is lower (r=.02). The presented model presented an optimal fit: χ2 (33) = 62.879 p <0.001; χ2 / df = 1.905; CFI = 0.96; NFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95; RMSEA = 0.042, 95% CI (0.028 – 0.057). As a conclusion, to affirm that the data of the research show the need to work programs that work on creativity and emotional intelligence, that can provide emotional support and serve in the personal development of students from the first years of Primary.


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How to Cite

Salavera Bordás, C., Larraz Rábanos, N., & Usán Supervía, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and creativity in 1st and 2nd Primary students. Are there differences by gender?. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (24), 181–196. https://doi.org/10.18172/con.3530