La escuela pública ante la presión de la competitividad: ¡usemos la colaboración como antídoto!


  • Serafín Antúnez Universitat de Barcelona



Due to the increasing pressure within the teaching field there is a new view that propases collaboration amongst schools in order to release this pressure in a creative common way. The proposed collaboration explains the main characteristics and requirements including the scientífic justification and basing, also identifying some antecedents and present achievements. Moreover, it offers fines to guide the actions showing the way for the development and improvement as well as taking into account the necessary precautions and conditions so as to develop the culture of the collaboration to give power and dígnity to state schools.


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How to Cite

Antúnez, S. (2013). La escuela pública ante la presión de la competitividad: ¡usemos la colaboración como antídoto!. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (1), 13–29.



Research Studies