Multi-level curriculum design based on teacher training students’ selfperception: an empowerment perspective
Empowerment, inclusion, teaching innovation, multi-level curriculum, teacher trainingAbstract
The work presented here derives from an innovation project where an inter-departmental team of teachers at the Teacher Training Faculty of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in which an inter-departmental team of teachers at the Teacher Training Faculty proposed the incorporation of a multi-level approach in their classrooms through a methodological proposal where the students were agents of inclusive education. In this article, more concretely, under the framework of General Didactics the principal aims were set to favour the students, awareness of diversity in their learning styles, and to adapt the Teaching Guide to multi-level curriculum criteria. From a baseline of exploratory and applied methods, the target was to design a curriculum that would allow learning to be personalised according to each student’s individual. The two questionnaires given to 133 students in Teacher Training Degree has allowed us to gather knowledge of students’ self-perceived, level of empowerment and their learning style and preferences. The result is a proposal for a curriculum with a multilevel approach intended as a reference for empowerment propitiating coherent learning from the theory and practice of university teaching from an approach of inclusion of maximums.Downloads
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