Formas de vida de la infancia y adolescencia en Catalunya
The study of children’s real situations to understand the construction of the capacities that form the human being has been emphasised from the ecological perspective. This article show children’s and adolescence’s life charasteristics in Catalonia. Aspecs such as children’s activities and where and with who children practice them, have been focalised. The sample was formed by two groups. Both groups were randomly and representatively formed, first a group of children aged from 1 to 17 years old living in the city of Barcelona and second a group of children aged from 6 to 12 years old living in Girona province. Results show specific ways of life for rural and urban habitats, family and school are the two most important contexts of development, but when age increases children’s contexts are more diverse, with the group of peers during the adolescence becoming as important as family and school.Downloads
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