Descripción y análisis de una experiencia de garantía social


  • Jesús Jiménez Martínez CRA Cameros Nuevo



Nowadays “Garantía Social” Programmes carry out an important social task. Certain number of pupils are not able to get the school-leaving certificate when they finish their compulsory attendance at school. There are many and different reasons that explain this fact. The personal and work situation is really delicate for these young people. Our present educative system realized a solution was possible and in a responsible way, it was thought to establish the necessary steps for all these pupils received occupational training. This would let them have access to the work world and find a decent job. The most important thing is not only the existence of this possibility but the aim to go ahead with the project trying to manage the highest quality. Speaking of educative quality is speaking about personal and material aspects. I do not want to discuss what “quality” means in terms of education. I only try to write about all that was very use ful for me in my classroom and, particularly, in a “Garantía Social” Programme.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Martínez, J. (2013). Descripción y análisis de una experiencia de garantía social. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (2), 229–256.



Experiences and Reflections