Poetic texts and young readers in the internet era: about booktobers, bookstgrammers and followers
Poesía, educación literaria, lectura digital, "booktuber", "bookstagram"Abstract
In the present article we show how in the Internet age new spaces for literary creation acquire a vital importance in the training of readers. The poetics emerged through the blog, social networks and online platforms respond to a multimodal reading model that has transformed the literary landscape today. This social and technological change has to be taken into account if we want our students to approach poetry with interest and delight. It will be necessary, therefore, to open the texts of the canon, to leave the historicist scheme in the teaching of literature and to find in the digital environments ways for the didactic treatment of the contents. Therefore, we consider that the contributions of booktubers, bookstagrammers and video-poets will be key to building bridges between the literature of the canon and new ways of understanding literary writing, especially when we are faced with a millennial audience that does not conceive the world without the communication in network and without the contact with the influencers of the moment.Downloads
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