Reading and orality in the 21st century school. Teaching materials for linguistic and literacy education in the digital world
Reading, digital resource, literature, language, oralityAbstract
This paper offers an approach to linguistic and literary education at the secondary level, appealing to the resources offered by new information and communication technologies. In the first place, the analysis shows that currently the teacher's role has become more complex, since he works as a mediator between students, printed books and digital practices, while positioning himself as administrator and guide in the use of virtual tools. In this sense, digital resources are characterized as potential teaching materials, emphasizing those produced in Argentina. Thirdly, the relevance of genres and digital media for the approach to the practice of orality in linguistic and literary education is demonstrated. To do this, and by way of illustration, a series of pedagogical experiences outlined in training courses for teachers and future teachers in Argentina is offered. Finally, and based on the studies of Chartier (2015) and Goldsmith (2015), it is stated that the reflection on language and literary studies are constituted as a field of knowledge in full "boiling" and, attentive to it , the classroom can be a propitious space, both for teachers and students, to investigate and participate in these transformations.Downloads
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