Foreign Language Teacher Professional Development through transnational collaboration and the use of ICT
Continuing Professional Development, foreign language teaching, teaching innovation, teacher training, mobile technologiesAbstract
At present, in a constantly evolving world, one of the underpinned premises in teacher training is the need for teachers to be aware that they should take on a Continuous Professional Development. Future teachers needtraining strategies to acquire tools and skills that allow them to follow a life-long learning process. This training is carried outin a social reality where new technologies are increasingly adopting a major role. This article has the aim to present a transnational training innovation project for foreign language teachers’ Continuing Professional Development through teaching actions based on the development of reflective practice and the use of mobile technologies. First results show that this training project has enabled to pre-service teachers to acquire teaching skills, such as a more efficient use of mobile technologies or a better capacity to focus on reflective practice as a tool for continuing professional development.
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