Service-learning and its effect on attitudes towards inclusion in pre-service Physical Education teachers


  • Jorge Abellán Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Service-learning, intellectual impairment, teaching training


Service-learning is a methodology that offers students the possibility to learn while providing a service to the community. In this paper, twelve students had to design and teach six hours of tasks related to the contents of the subject about games, leisure and recreation, for people with intellectual impairments and high support needs. Participants completed a questionnaire before and after the experience, aimed to evaluate their attitudes toward inclusion. They also made individual reflections after each of the sessions. The results indicate that there is a tendency towards improvement in attitudes toward inclusion after the program, something that corroborates the results of the analysis of individual opinions. The first contact was not perceived as a positive experience by the participants. In addition, participants indicate that the motivation and adaptation of the tasks have been their inclusive strategies used to encourage participation. It is suggested that the characteristics of the people that recieved the program have determined this change, since students have felt less prepared when dealing with diversity.


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How to Cite

Abellán, J. (2021). Service-learning and its effect on attitudes towards inclusion in pre-service Physical Education teachers. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (27), 83–98.