Graphic design students in the role of web developers: A pedagogic experience based on active learning
Teaching-learning strategy, activity learning, project-based learning, web development, graphic design studentsAbstract
With the advent of new technologies, Graphic Design studies –focused on the development of visual and communication skills– have incorporated multimedia and interactive disciplines in order to face the industry challenges. These new disciplines include aspects of computer skills –professionally necessary– that deviate from the profile of these studies, causing learning difficulties. This article describes a teaching experience of design, implementation and evaluation carried out in a subject of Bachelor in Graphic Design, where students develop websites built with HTML and CSS. Using Design- Based Research, it has been verified that a proposal based on project-based learning, accompanied by problem-based learning, the flipped classroom and educative technology, is ideal for this context. The techniques, instruments and indicators used to evaluate the experience have been: classroom observations, questionnaires, attendance, dropout rate and grades. The results have been positive, the acquisition of skills has been improved, greater satisfaction has been obtained and better academic results have been achieved.Downloads
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