Health education as a resource to cope with COVID-19




Health education, health literacy, health promotion, covid-19


Health education is presented as a resource for the promotion of behavioral habits that allow dealing with health problems, developing well-being and preventing the appearance and spread of diseases. Besides, health literacy implies both the ability to understand health-related issues and the motivation to act consciously and responsibly for the benefit of personal and collective health. The objective of this article is to analyze various health education initiatives in which the aim is to teach people of different ages to face the current situation caused by the COVID-19. An exploratory, descriptive and explicative methodology was followed. In addition, some guidelines are proposed for health promotion before, during and after a pandemic. The results of the analyzed studies allow to extract some guidelines for planning health promotion strategies. It is concluded that health literacy campaigns should be carried out, using various media, to inform and motivate the entire population about the importance of adopting behaviors for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits.


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Author Biography

Carmen Vizoso-Gómez, Universidad de León


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How to Cite

Vizoso-Gómez, C. (2021). Health education as a resource to cope with COVID-19. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (28), 291–305.