El desarrollo cognitivo del niño : Desde los descubrimientos de Piaget hasta las investigaciones actuales


  • Pierre Mounoud Université de Genève
  • Sylvia Sastre (trad.) Universidad de La Rioja




This paper analyzes the origins and specificity of the recent research trend on the development in children of the Theory of mind which has undergone an impressive expansion over past fifteen years. A comparison with Piaget´s approach is proposed regarding the experimental data available on the coordination of perspectives as well as the epistemological foundations. The issues of the naturalization of the mind and its irreducibility are addressed within the framework of recent reductionist theories advanced by the philosophers of mind. Piaget´s contribution is considered as one of the most thorough of this century.


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How to Cite

Mounoud, P., & Sastre (trad.), S. (2013). El desarrollo cognitivo del niño : Desde los descubrimientos de Piaget hasta las investigaciones actuales. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (4), 53–77. https://doi.org/10.18172/con.486