Análisis de la influencia de la familia en los hábitos lectores de sus hijas e hijos : Un estudio etnográfico


  • Emilia Moreno Sánchez Universidad de Huelva



Reading and its learning is one of the main concerns for families, teachers and children, particularly in the first school yerars. Sucess or failure in further school levels depends on it. However, there is a great ignorance among all these contexts: parents ingnore what happens in the school and so do teachers about what happens at home. Both (school and family) don't collaborate in order to facilitate and improve the reading learning in a natural, social and culture enviroment. For this reason, it is necessary to make some research about the contexts in which reading is acquired. Specially, family context needs to be analysed because of its early, constant and permanent influence. Factors that facilitate or impede reading and that promote or not good reading habits must be identify. In other way, we also think that research on reading background is more important than survey studies about the reading habits of big samples. In such idea we have based on the ethnographic descriptive research presented in this article, in which we have used the case study strategy . The methodologic process developed and the results of this research are presented in this article.


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How to Cite

Moreno Sánchez, E. (2013). Análisis de la influencia de la familia en los hábitos lectores de sus hijas e hijos : Un estudio etnográfico. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (4), 177–196.