Effectiveness of intervention programs in children with dyslexia to improve reading and writing skills
Dyslexia, literacy, intervention, efficacy, childrenAbstract
The present work aims to (1) analyse the various intervention programs aimed at children with dyslexia, (2) identify the age, setting, Marta Castillo-Segura Contextos Educ., 30 (2022), 253-270 254 techniques and results, (3) identify the effect produced and (4) identify the effectiveness if such programs.
The method used is a systematic review of scientific articles and doctoral thesis published between 2009 and 2021 based on a theoretical, empirical and experimental analysis of intervention programs in children with dyslexia. For this, the databases of Dialnet, Scopus, Web of Science and ÍnDICEs CSIC are consulted.
Those quasi-experimental studies that evaluate intervention in children with 6 and 11 years old whose aim is to improve reading and writing are selected and, in addition, include comparisons between the pre-test and post-test. The variables called reading, writing, reading, comprehension, and vocabulary.
To carry out the review, and analysis of the titles, abstracts and keywords is carried out to decide on their choice following the criteria established by the “Critical Appraisal Skills Program”. After this, a complete analysis of each of the nine selected studies is carried out and it can be concluded that they are effective in improving reading and writing skills in children with dyslexia.Downloads
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